- When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
- I do a good job of blocking painful, unneccessary things from my memory.
- Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
- It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up.
- I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.
- I wasn't going out without taking someone with me.
- If leaving is the right thing to do, then I'll hurt myself to keep from hurting you.
- I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.
- I had to keep reminding myself that I'd made my choice, and I wasn't going back on it.
- Even the strongest of us fall off the wagon, don't we?
- There's nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep you up at night.
- Human memories fade.
- The future isn't set in stone. Things change.
- If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it.
- Isn't it supposed to be like this? The glory of first love, and all that. It's incredible, isn't it, the difference between reading about something, seeing it in the pictures, and experiencing it?
- Just because we've been...dealt a certain hand...it doesn't mean that we can't choose to rise above--to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted.
- Love and lust don't always keep the same company.
- There are exceptions to every rule.
- Memories were better than any reality.
- It's possible to take bravery to the point where it becomes insanity.
3/16/2009 12:24am