- She could stand anything, as long as she was in charge.
- Just 'cause someone isn't quite as smart as you are, don't give you no right to look down on them.
- A smart person oughta be able to think of a few regular words to stick in amongst the cusses.
- It ain't a shameful thing to need help.
- I can tell how old I am when I can't even understand the language of the young people about me.
- It was rather comfortable to know that your work was judged on its merits and was not affected by the teacher's personal opinion of the person doing the work. It was a little like throwing a basketball. If you aimed right, you got it through the hoop; it was absolutely just and absolutely impersonal.
- It makes me praise the Lord to see you so busy helping stead of hurting.
- What I can't see isn't likely to hurt me.
- Who am I to pass judgment on the Lord's anointed?
- Sometimes you gotta walk on your heel and favor your toe even if it makes your heel a little sore.
- The world is woefully short on frog smoochers.
- Once the tugboat takes you out to the ocean liner, you got to get all the way on board. Can't straddle both decks.
- It never pays to attach yourself to something that is likely to blow away.
- Life ain't supposed to be nothing, 'cept maybe tough.
- All that stuff bout happy endings is lies. The only ending in this world is death. Now that might or might now be happy, but either way, you ain't ready to die, are you? Sometimes in this world things come easy, and you tend to lean back and say, 'Well, finally, happy ending. This is the way things is supposed to be.' Like life owed you good things. And there is lots of good things. But you just fool yourself if you expect good things all the time. They ain't what's regular--don't nobody owe 'em to you.
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