Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich

  • This is part of the problem with the world today. People don't believe in the mystical.
  • A book of spells is nothing more than a cookbook. Over the years, recipes have evolved for sponge cake, lobster bisque, spontaneous combustion, cheese souffle, levitation, enchantment. It's really not rocket science.
  • I read a book about getting published, and it said persistence would pay off.
  • Possessed implies that demons or other dis-incarnate entities have temporarily taken control of a body.
  • Your life isn't out of control. It's expanded.
  • Could be covers a lot of ground.
  • Everyone makes their own luck.


Whitten Stone said...

i love your blog! you have good taste. just started mine- it hopes to one day be like yours!

Alicia said...

Thank you! I'm following your blog :)