Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ya-Yas in Bloom by Rebecca Wells

  • There is pain in my life, but it is harder to put a name to it.
  • Just think pretty pink and blue thoughts.
  • Magical creatures, or at least some kind of energies, are coming from flowers and plants and trees, and protecting us from ourselves. Protecting us from the demons inside that want to eat us alive.
  • God sent us here to love Him and worship Him and venerate the mother of his Blessed Son. He is a generous God who does not expect perfection, but does expect reverence.
  • You learn so much about a person when they get things wrong!
  • I eat enough dead animals. I don't want to wear them.
  • None of the prayers he had been taught seemed to apply to his situation. They were just words.
  • He had always known that at any time he could walk straight into The Twilight Zone.
  • The right way to pray is not to beg, but to picture good things, to banish all bad things from your mind. To put up a huge wall of prayer so no bad thoughts can get in. To see what you want, and to feel the love that has been hiding there, only you were too bossy to feel it before.
  • You can't let fear of hurricanes stop you from putting seeds in the ground, even if they're going to grow tall only to be destroyed.
  • We must not confuse statues with God the Father or God the Son.
  • I do the best I can. Which of course is never enough.
  • Give up? No, you've got to keep going.
  • What if God didn't intend for everything to be perfect? What if He knew it was going to be a holy mess, and he loved us anyway?
  • Bloodletting takes place in the best of families.
  • I can figure out what's a sin and what's not.
  • Sometimes we have to wait and put our dreams on hold for a while. We don't get to have them right away. We make little payments on them, and we wait. Later, it is even better than if you got it all at once!
  • There is being a fan, and then there is being a nut.
  • It's time to see something different. Stop being sheep led to the slaughter.
  • Steal, lie, and cheat--but don't ever try to be something you aren't.
  • Sometimes the will of God is hard to understand. Sometimes the good die young while the wicked prosper.
  • Holiness could beget prosperity if you were right with Jesus.
  • Dark things can happen on even the sunniest day.
  • Once a baby comes into your life, everything changes, and you lose control, lose your flat stomach and your fine five-year career plan.
  • When God closes a door, he opens a window.
  • She felt if she stayed in motion, things would somehow be okay.
  • With forgiveness came peace.
  • There are mysteries in this world I will never understand.
  • When she got most panicked, she would picture falling back into a great big pair of loving arms that held her. You lean back into these loving arms and they hold you up and nothing bad can happen.
  • When I'm doing my job, it takes my mind off the worst.
  • You can't blink anymore. Not these days. Not if you want your children to remain safe.
  • Our children are growing up in a different world. You want to protect them, then get with the program.
  • It's hard to keep everything in its place, isn't it?


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